I dream about climbing sometimes, usually after trying a route over and over again. Then some nights it appears in my dreams. Obsession to some passion to others. The last four years I have dedicated largley to the pursuit of rock climbing, I relish the moments of pure physical exertion, the mental games on big run outs, topping out and looking over areas of great natural beauty or wilderness vast and scary.
Climbing captivated me whilst living overseas in Scotland it soon became my hobby and career. I started Outdoor Ed. work in 2005 at Ardroy OEC as a trainee instructor, and finished late 2006. Returning to Australia I worked as a freelance outdoor edder and hit up Araps whenever I could, then in Autumn 2007 took up residence in the Pines and followed my dream of trying to climb everyday. Here I started to pick up work for local guiding companies and could earn my crust right where I wanted to be.
I guess my life defines my work not vica-versa, I love climbing, I love sharing climbing.
June 2010 saw my girlfriend Kerryn and I pack up our four-wheel drive and make tracks, where? Australia! Chasing the primo climbing seasons and exploring all we can of Australia. Clocking up Ks on the truck and Ms on the rock has found us in some pretty exciting places. The trip continues and so does the climbing!
March 2011 onwards here we are... Natimuk: climbing, guiding and studying
Australian Climbing Instructors Association: Multi-pitch Guide
Equip Wilderness First-Aid: Leaders Wilderness Advanced First-Aid
UK Mountain Leader Training: Summer Mountain Leader