Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Deadlines and Laylines

After a cruisy eight months of touring and climbing we had a deadline… 1300 flight from Hobart to Melbourne connecting public transport to Kez’s dad Peter’s then drive out to the Grampians in time for a chilled evening with friends Earl and Sarah before a days work with Hangin Out in the Grampians. This was not to be! Our first flight was cancelled, no more flights till tomorrow with Tiger so we had to rebook an Jetstar flight for 1745 at three times the original price, bummer. Of course this flight was delayed… twice! Once on the ground and then once in the air we flew a nice ‘holding pattern’ above Wangaratta. Finally reaching Tullamarine we scooted ASAP to Southern Cross station by bus arriving at 2030 and the last connecting train we needed to catch leaving at 2034 we ran like mad to the platform just getting there in time. With 45mins to relax we arrived at Aircraft station and got into a cab for the ride to Peter’s house arriving some time before 10. Kezs little Barina has been in hibernation in the shed the past 8 months so we started it up and began the drive out to the Grampians arriving at one o’clock in the morning!

Waking up to a stunning Grampians day after some delicious coffee we headed off to summer day valley in the northern Gramps and had a big day with 67 or so students split up into two half day sessions. Kez and Sarah took care of the climbing whilst Earl and I punched the abseil and got all participants through the asbseil. Back to Earls for some more coffee and a cold homebrew and a great night with friends. But not too restful the next day we headed down to Geelong to my parents house arriving sometime around one in the afternoon we then packed for sea and went to Coles for a massive food shop by then it was early evening and with Dad we drove to Queenscliff Marina started loading the boat for a 0600 departure the next day!!

Anaconda at berth in Queenscliff

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